SiscoservWhich is?
Siscoserv is a system for recording international service transactions, intangibles and other operations, by companies resident and domiciled in Brazil with companies domiciled abroad.
The registration at Siscoserv aims to control data related to the import of:
- Services: when there is a physical manifestation of one person providing service to another;
- Intangibles: transfer of rights or intangible assets such as licenses, technology, know how (specialized knowledge), software, patents, among others;
- Other operations: mixed operations (including physical products and services), such as franchises, financial operations, among others.
That is, the sale of services or intangibles, which involve companies from Brazil and companies from abroad, must be declared in Siscoserv, except for the sale of goods (import or export).
SiscoservFor whom?
Siscoserv is mandatory for all companies (taxpayers) resident and domiciled in Brazil, who buy and sell services, intangibles and other operations, with residents and domiciled abroad. Siscoserv is mandatory for service import and export operations, engineering services, international freight transactions for goods, agent commissions, use and legal licenses.
Avoid fines and notifications
Keeping records at Siscoserv avoids fines and notifications for noncompliance with Brazilian rules and laws.
Restriction on the use of foreign trade benefits
Failure to register is considered a SISCOSERV penalty, under the terms of the law (Law 12.446 / 11, article 26, third paragraph), forfeiture of the benefits of support mechanisms (benefits in granting credit; exemption, reduction of taxes, such as: restrictions with the use of ACC; ACE; BNDES financing; Reduction to zero of certain taxes, in situations such as international freight and agent fees; as well as the use and application of special regimes).